

Founded in 2014, Waves Swim Club is a non-profit, Year-Round USA Swimming Program which participates as part of the Ozark LSC, competing at regionally sanctioned USA swim meets throughout Missouri & Arkansas. We are a coach run, board supported, and athlete centered organization.


The Waves Summer League also has a Recreational Summer Program for area swimmers ages 6 to 19. The Summer League participates in non-sanctioned area recreational meets.

The Waves program is grounded in two principles: character development and swimming improvement. We want to foster an atmosphere of commitment and consistency focused on the long run; where swimming becomes a lifetime sport. We love for kids to win races and make time qualifications for larger meets; however, an emphasis is put on personal best times, technical development, and personal improvement.

Character defines everything we do. A team-oriented, trustworthy, respectful swimmer with a positive attitude, good grades, and a supportive family is what we strive for.

The Waves encourage commitment (high levels of practice attendance) and consistency (full effort in all that is done). Training is competitive, aerobic-based and designed to produce a complete athlete in and out of the water. Emphasis is on developing all four strokes utilizing correct form/technique for fast swimming and injury prevention. We strive to develop a well-rounded age-group swimmer with a great aerobic base. Specialization of events occurs as an athlete becomes older and more competitive.